With a global agreement on decarbonisation, the Paris COP21 agreement heralds the end of the fossil fuel era. Such a transformation of our society towards sustainability is a complex, dynamic social process which can only succeed if an increasing number of players actively participate in shaping it and ensure that change is seen as an opportunity and not just a threat.
klimaaktiv uses its extensive networks to promote the creation of social capital for the transition towards a sustainable society. Under the four thematic headings of Building and Renovation, Saving Energy, Renewable Energy and Mobility, klimaaktiv outlines new solutions clearly, sets quality standards, increases the knowledge and competence of the players involved and advises companies, municipalities and private households. This approach has resulted in greater opportunities for the state to be actively involved in the management of solutions to complex collective problems by enhancing and strengthening the traditional instruments of regulation, taxes and subsidies. As a driving force and supporter of the transition, klimaaktiv creatively combines the strengths of the most diverse reasoning found in the hierarchy, market and network: order, momentum and commitment.
The primary objective of klimaaktiv is to introduce and promote climate friendly technologies and services. Doing so, klimaaktiv changes both Austria’s economy and its everyday life!
klimaaktiv follows the idea of market transformation. Market transformation is a targeted effort to change the market. This approach’s main characteristic is an active and comprehensive inclusion of all relevant market players and stakeholders. The main advantages of a market transformation approach are comparably low costs and high sustainable effects. In this case, market transformation aims to raise the share of energy efficient products and services.
The advantage of combining all these various strands under one umbrella brand mainly results from the fact that the instruments used (training, consulting, quality management, networking and awareness campaigns) might differ in content and importance in several market segments but not so much in form. Thus, the individual thematic programmes profit from each other - not only can they learn from their own mistakes but also from others. Vice-versa, success stories will quickly work a circuit and all other programmes can profit.