klimaaktiv mobil - the National Action Programme for Mobility Management

klimaaktiv mobil promotes climate-friendly, sustainable and energy efficient mobility through mobility management, consulting programmes, awareness raising, partner and networks, and financial funding schemes. 

The transport and mobility sector is responsible for a high share of emissions and energy used in Austria. Mobility is still highly dependent on fossil fuels, which contributes heavily to climate change. We need to transition towards a climate-friendly, sustainable and resilient transport system

  • to cut emissions drastically.
  • with renewable energy sources and a higher energy efficiency.
  • with more active forms of mobility, such as walking and cycling.

This mobility transition will be essential to achieve the ambitious climate goals of a climate-neutral future by 2040. In order to move closer towards these goals, greenhouse gas emissions from the transport and mobility sector will have to be cut up to 80%. How can we achieve this? klimaaktiv mobil helps!

To promote sustainable mobility forms, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) has already taken action, such as the creation of strategic plans like the Master Plans for Cycling and Walking. The initiative klimaaktiv mobil provides financial support to Austria's cities, municipalities and regions, businesses, administrations, fleet operators, tourism operators, schools, youth initiatives and citizens, and promotes a climate-friendly mobility transition towards active mobility, electric mobility, intelligent mobility management and innovative mobility services. The portfolio of klimaaktiv mobil includes the extensive financial support programme, consulting services and awareness raising programmes, partnerships, as well as trainings and certification initiatives. 

klimaaktiv mobil is successful - as these outcomes show:

  • 21,000 climate-friendly mobility projects initiated / implemented by around 17,700 businesses, 1,500 cities, municipalities and regions, 1,300 tourism and leisure organisations and 500 schools
  • annual savings: 350,000 tonnes of CO2
  • financial support for mobility projects amounting to Euro 167.5 million, from the funds of BMK via klimaaktiv mobil, the Climate and Energy Fund and the Austrian environmental support scheme, including 17.9 million euros from EU funds (EAFRD), having triggered an investment volume of Euro 1.2 billion.
  • around 10,700 so-called green jobs secured or created
  • financial support for around 47,800 alternative vehicles, including 44,900 electric vehicles
  • financial support for around 340 cycling projects, including the promotion of cycling in the federal states and in cities
  • training of 1,879 klimaaktiv mobil competence partners, such as EcoDriving trainers, bicycle technicians, youth mobility coaches, and certification of 45 klimaaktiv mobil driving schools
  • know-how support for 60,000 children and 3,500 teachers in 300 schools and, thus, 800,000 car trips saved
  • some 100 youth mobility projects implemented with more than 15,000 young people involved

klimaaktiv mobil offers long-term support and predictability of investments in active, climate-friendly mobility, accompanied by consulting services, publications, guidelines, and more. 

published at 22.02.2022


klimaaktiv mobil management Austrian Energy Agency