Nachschau Webinar: klimafreundliche Kinder- und Jugendmobilität

15 Referentinnen und Referenten von Portugal über das Vereinigte Königreich und Österreich bis St. Petersburg: Tim Gill (Autor, UK) widmet sich dem kindgerechten Design, Hanns Michael Moshammer (Meduni Wien) und llonka Horváth (Gesundheitsministerium) der Kindergesundheit und den Verhältnissen. Fridays for Future Österreich und Portugal den globalen Rahmenbedingungen. Im zweiten Teil kommen Jugendliche aus verschiedensten Ländern zu Wort.

Die Nachschau kann hier online nachgesehen werden.


  • Positionen von Jugendlichen aus 12 Ländern zu
    klimafreundlicher Mobilität
  • Österreichische Programme zu Kinder- und Jugendmobilität wie etwa klimaaktiv mobil
  • Highlights aus Portugal
  • Hintergrundwissen zu Zusammenhängen
    von Kinder- und Jugendmobilität und Klimaschutz und Gesundheit

Referentinnen und Referenten

Klimaschutz und Mobilität

  • Leo Zirwes, Ivo Wakounig, Andreia Galváo/Fridays for future Austria/Fridays for future Portugal
    Andreia Galvaro: “What we demand is change. What we stand for is our future. […] Our demand is threefold: We don´t want promises without any real measures. We don´t want summits without actions. We don´t want position papers without the proposition to act.”
    Leo Zirwes: “It is about me. It is about us. It is affecting all of us. Today’s meeting takes place under the title “Give youth a voice”. But we already have a voice. Kids and young people have been on the streets for over three years now. Politicians have heard our demands – but they didn´t act.”

Kinder, Gesundheit und Mobilität

  • Hanns Michael Moshammer/MedUni Vienna, Head of Department of Environmental Hygiene and Environmental Medicine
    “We must not adapt our children to the transport system. We must adapt the system to the children”

Kindergerechtes Design 

  • Tim Gill/ 
    “Thinking about children helps to show how we can address some complex issues that cities have to face.”
    If you were a mayer, what would the most important thing to do?
    "I think we really need to tackle the dominance of the car in the city […] If we don't do that we will never make cities child friendly."

Projekte und Aktivitäten

  • Maria Zögernitz/klimaaktiv mobil Mobilitätsprojekte für Schulen/Klimabündnis Österreich
  • Petra Völkl/Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
  • Olga Iakimenko/Game of Goals RU
  • llonka Horváth/Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection
  • António Marques Pinto/EEHYC and  AJOMED
  • Alexandra Dörfler//Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
  • Barbara Rieder/ Youth Association Jugend und Lebenswelt

Give Youth a voice

  • Robert Thaler/Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
  • Maria Lettner, Bundesjugendvertretung (BJV) - Austrian National Youth Council
  • Cosima Pilz/Youth expert, Styrian Centre of Environmental Education

Youth Position Paper, Vienna 2021

  • Milan Callones/Participant Youth Forum
  • Catherine Olcyk/Participant Youth Forum
  • Anurag Koyyada/Participant Youth Forum
  • Miriam Egger/Participant Youth Forum
  • Verena Matlschweiger/Participant Youth Forum
    "The participants of the youth forums wish for more independency from cars – especially for young people – and safe, healthy and climate friendly transport”

Moderation: Eva Pölzl

Veröffentlicht am 27.08.2021

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